Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome to December!

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! I had a great time with family and friends.

These next three weeks are going to fly! We will be very busy in the speech room working on our communication skills!

Articulation students will be targeting their sounds with Christmas and winter themed activities. Watch your student's backpack for these activities coming home. Have your student say their words or sentences for you!

Language students will focus on grammar, categories, describing, etc. during Christmas and winter themed activities. I have a few "ugly sweater" activities they are sure to love!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10-14th, 2014

My office overlooks the Shirley Hills playground. Currently there are first grade students enjoying the snow. There are a few snowmen taking shape! Personally, I'm not quite ready for winter to be here, but what can you do?

I really enjoyed seeing families and sitting in on conferences last week. If I wasn't able to make it to your child's conference, I am sorry! Conference nights end up being big nights for evaluation share meetings and IEP meetings.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of November 3rd-7th

Preschool: In Preschool we are having fun targeting student IEP objectives during center and free choice time.

Articulation/Fluency: We are "falling in love with speech" while practicing our speech words this week!
Homework: Look for a practice sheet coming home.

Language: We are finishing up our fall harvest before the snow flies in our language groups this week. We will practice comparing and contrasting, categories, wh- questions, pronouns, and verbs.
Homework: Compare and contrast your favorite two favorite desserts. Ask someone in your family about their favorite dessert.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Welcome to the Shirley Hills Speech Room blog! I thought this would be a new and interesting way to keep families updated about what is happening in the speech room. I will confess with close to 40 students on my caseload, I have had difficulty in the past finding the best way to share what we are up to in here!

Due to confidentiality issues, I will not be posting specific pictures or information about students. Instead, this will be a place to come and check out what activities we are doing and ideas for practicing speech skills at home!